The Health Community and Health Conscience Consumers have developed a renewed interest in one of the most ancient of therapeutic healing practices:
The application of suction to the body.
This traditional, time-honored treatment remains favored by millions of people worldwide because it’s safe, comfortable, and remarkably effective for many health disorders.

The positive effects of manual therapies are greatly increased with Cupping.
- Deep Tissue Massage
- Myofascial Release
- Lymphatic Drainage
- Orthopedic Conditions
- Neuromuscular Dysfunctions
- Sports Massage and Injuries
- Stubborn Conditions
- Fybromyalgia
- Trigger Point Therapy
- Traumatic Injuries
- Chronic Conditions
- Abdominals
- Reflexology
- Physical Therapy
- Detoxification
- Cellulite
- Scars
- Stretch Marks and Varicosities
- Facial Treatments
- TMJD’s
- Sports Medicine
- General Relaxation and Wellness
The historical, clinical, and subjective efficacy of this modality is most impressive.

The subjective findings derived from numerous Hospital, Clinics, Institutions, Spas and Private Practices has validated Cupping Therapy as being superior in the majority of applications compared to what health practitioners were previously using to treat their clientele. Objectively, patients are reporting the results as being rapid and long lasting, with such overwhelming enthusiasm as to drive even the Allopathic Medical Industry to incorporate Cupping Therapy as a quantitatively effective and respected method of healing.
In the Western countries Cupping has fast become one of the hottest holistic healing treatments due to its ability to reduce muscular tension and inflammation, increase blood and lymphatic flow locally and systematically, draw out stagnant blood and lymph, dead cellar debris, pathogenic factors and toxins, stimulate the body’s circulatory and immune system functions. Cupping doesn’t just feel amazing; it can also help with chronic pain, myofascia release, digestive issues, fatigue, sciatica and fibromyalgia, as well as mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.
Therapists train with the International Cupping Therapy Association to learn about this amazingly effective therapy to include history, theory, methods, equipment, treatments, safety and contraindications to treat their clients and achieve effects that are profound, cumulative and long lasting.
Many therapists report their results as being “miraculous” for their patients and prolonging their careers by decades.

Consumers now demand greater access to this effective treatment in private practices, clinics, hospitals, professional sports teams, wellness centers, corporate retreats, cruise ships, recovery programs, retirement facilities, high-end spas and hotels. Even burn centers, dental offices and VA Hospitals are integrating Cupping Therapy for their patients.
The ICTA provides comprehensive 1, 2 and 3 day workshops in Cupping Therapies for all Healthcare Providers. ICTA Members have access to marketing materials, studies, training, specialized treatments and International Representation.
Cupping therapy was used in Egypt dating back some 3,500 years, where its use is represented in hieroglyphic writing. The earliest recorded use of Cupping is from the famous Taoist alchemist and herbalist, Ge Hong (281–341 A.D.) In ancient Greece, Hippocrates recommended the use of cups for a variety of ailments, while in the early 1900’s eminent British physician, Sir Arthur Keith, wrote how he witnessed Cupping performed with excellent success.
Suction Cup Therapies remained a constant in professional medical treatment throughout Europe. It was practiced by such famous physicians as Galen (131-200AD), Paracelsus (1493-1541), Ambroise Pare (1509-90) and surgeon Charles Kennedy (1826).
In China, extensive research has been carried out on Cupping, and the practice is a mainstay of government-sponsored hospitals of Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). The fundamental therapeutic value of Cupping has been documented through several thousand years of clinical and subjective experience and has advanced its application to many areas.

Although the use of Cupping has remained popular throughout many cultures worldwide, the 20th century rise in the Pharmaceutical Industry and it’s stranglehold on allopathic medical practices caused its widespread decrease in many Anglo-Saxon societies. Because Cupping (along with many other Holistic Healing Arts) was only a tactile treatment, it was inconsistent with this new pharmaceutical system, which quickly moved away from proven hands on holistic and manipulative therapies of generations past.
Even the North American Indians who used Buffalo Horn, seashells, gourds and bones for Cupping – once its people were herded into reservations their traditions of health maintenance and healing were replaced.
Cupping is used in numerous healthcare specialties including:
- Manual Therapies
- Treatment Massage
- Acupuncture
- Sports Therapy
- Structural Integration
- Remedial Therapy
- Physiotherapy
- Chiropractic
- Osteopathy
- Occupational Therapy
- Detoxification
- Nursing
- Aesthetics
- Movement Modalities
- And Much More