Cupping Practitioner Reports
- I did your sciatica treatment on a 91 yr old for whom the medical clinic referred to me to help him with sciatica pain that was debilitating for him. After only 1 session he came back and shared he and his wife went square dancing and had not felt the pain since the cupping treament – 1 TREATMENT. He wondered if I could remove the pain in his feet and he would feel like he was cured… he’s been singing my praises for this wonderful therapy with all their friends and I have 7 new clients in just the last 2 weeks.
- Another gal I cupped for bursitis shared that this was the first time she’s felt relief in over a year.
Cupping has changed my practice. I’m going to be needing help if this client surge continues…
- I have a client with chronic fatigue and lots of HT’s, and stress etc…. This morning she was exhausted and her feet were swollen. I cupped her hands and feet with the negative magnets. Right after she came out of the massage she said that her shoes were looser and she could tell that her feet weren’t so swollen anymore. Later that afternoon I passed her at the market all rosy in the cheeks, and looking very happy – she said she felt wonderful.
- Another client – a 16 year old girl with chronic neck/shoulder pain. She mainly holds everything stressful in her muscles, and rarely loosens up much, she also has bursitis in one of her shoulders… I have tried so many techniques with her, but Cupping was exactly what she needed. Instead of another session of pushing and pressing on her, the gentle stretching softened her up quick. She looked absolutely lethargic when she got off the table. I spoke with her mom the next morning just to check on her and her mom said she was really relaxed and slept well the entire night – which hadn’t happened in years.
- One of my regular clients suffers from chronic knee pain and a weird bump of tightness in her hip that happened when her first kid was born over 30 years ago. They sent her to physical therapy for it at the time but it didn’t help. I used cups all around her knee – she had a measure of relief right away and the next day felt even more relief. I did cupping on her hip with the baguanfa cups – on & around the bump that had been there for 3 decades – – and it disappeared! She is ecstatic…
- I have a long time client who had surgery on both wrists, one for carpal tunnel and one from a broken bone. She has not been able to fully open or close her hands in years. I placed the small baguanfa cup on the palm of each hand and left them on for about 15 minutes – when I took them off she could open and close her hands with ease and without pain! It has continued to stay that way too!
Needless to say I am very excited seeing such results happen SO quickly!
I continue to have results like this one.
After taking the class I was so excited to get back to work and use it. The very first client I used it on was also amazed with the results we had. She had been in an auto accident 6 months prior and was getting massage and chiropractic care to relieve the pain in her shoulders and neck. We were getting results with compression massage – but they were minimal and short lived. After her first session she felt great! A week later I saw her again and her pain had not returned!! I continue to have results like this one.
My specialty is deep tissue work, which can get quite uncomfortable at times. With Cupping it is not painful. It is my hope that as a licensed massage therapist I will be able to continue using Cupping for a long time.
In less than 20 minutes, you wouldn’t have believed her diaper was HEAVY and my sister-in-law said that she had never seen her poop like that. Later that evening again she filled her diaper. I am thinking that she had a twisted intestine, and even though we can’t see the intestines, I think it got straightened out, by lifting and moving.
Our family is relieved and shocked that such a simple treatment could end years of pain and frustration and give back to my niece a normal life. Right on, Jesse. I LOVE this stuff!
Student Feedback
Instructor was professional, respectful and organized. This is an excellent course.
Great personalities. Our teacher never swayed from trying to help us all get the work done correctly. Sonia was very gracious about getting us back on course when we started to lose focus from ” chatting” in class. I felt very comfortable as a much older participant and did not feel neglected at all. Thanks Sonia!
I am VERY excited to use this in my practice.
Sonia was excellent – very attentive – her tips & tricks were invaluable.
Packed with applicable and effective treatments, this workshop really expanded my viewpoint of what I thought I knew (in a great way), and was delivered in a format that stuck – visual, tactile and hands on – both doing the treatments and receiving we learned.
Great workshop – would love to do it again.